Andre Rudolph was born in Warsaw in 1975 and grew up in Leipzig. He is a poet, translator and teacher. The poetic I keeps inexhaustibly popping up with a “hello!” in his latest collection of poems “Ich bin für Frieden, Armut und Polyamorie – Welche Partei soll ich wählen” (I’m for peace, poverty and polyamory – which party should I vote for?) (Parasitenpresse, 2020). It attracts attention, enquires about the meaning of poetry and looks at itself with a cynical gaze: “another of those poems that just/cultivate deficiency, you think, yes? but this one/here redeems you, believe me. /after all that’s what we poets are here for.“ As well as his own texts Andre Rudolph has published translations of Polish poetry by poets such as Krzysztof Siwczyk and Tadeusz Dąbrowski. After eight years, this is his second appearance in VERSschmuggel/reVERSible.
Publications (Selection):
Ich bin für Frieden, Armut und Polyamorie – Welche Partei soll ich wählen. Parasitenpresse, 2020.
Blicktot, Nixe (Klaffende Tags), Gedichte. luxbooks, 2015.
confessional poetry. luxbooks, 2012.
fluglärm über den palästen unsrer restinnerlichkeit. luxbooks, 2009.
Awards (Selection):
2015: Promotion Prize of the Mörike Prize of the Town of Fellbach
2011: Wolfgang Weyrauch Promotion Prize in the Literary March in Darmstadt
2010: Meran Poetry Prize
2008: Prosanova Poetry Prize