Senka Marić

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Senka Marić writes poetry, prose and essays. She was born in Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1972. She studied Acting Pedagogy and Comparative Literature. She is the editor of the website Strane (, an Internet portal for literature, culture and art, which brings together writers from former Yugoslavia. She has won several literary prizes, including the European Knight of Poetry Award in 2013 and, most recently, the 2019 Meša Selimović Prize, which is a major award for the whole region (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro). Her favourite book, or the book she would have liked to have written, is “Medea. Stimmen” by Christa Wolf. Senka Marić is a member of the Writers‘ Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the P.E.N. Centre of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Kintsugitijela. Buybook, 2018.
Do smrtina redne. Planjax komerc, 2016.
To su samo riječi, 2005.
Odavde do nigdje, 1997.

2019: Nagrada Meša Selimović
2013: Evropska nagrada Vitez/škinja poezije
2000: Nagrada Zija Dizdarević

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